Newswipe with Charlie Brooker (2009)
Themes:Satire Of Modern CultureMedia ManipulationSocial CriticismTechnology Vs. HumanityThe Absurdity Of LifeDiscover Similar ThemesMood:IronicDarkly ComedicUncomfortableCynicalSarcasticUnsettlingWittyDiscover Similar Mood
Newswipe with Charlie Brooker was a British news review programme broadcast on BBC Four written and presented by Charlie Brooker. It is similar to Brooker's Screenwipe series which is also shown on BBC Four. A first series of six episodes ran between 25 March 2009 and 29 April 2009. A second series began on 19 January 2010 and concluded on 23 February 2010.
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Satirical Sketch ComedyMedia ParodyAbsurd SituationsSocial CommentaryMedia CriticismTechnology Satire

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