Good people do bad things.
Themes:The Human ConditionIdentity CrisisMoralityJustice Vs. RevengeDiscover Similar ThemesMood:BleakAnxiousTenseUnsettlingThought-ProvokingDiscover Similar Mood
A bus is hijacked by three robbers—who end up dead before they can get away. Every passenger's story is the same: A hooded man saved the day. As the case unfolds, the line between hero and criminal begins to blur.
Explore similar movies and shows to You Would Do It Too (2023) based on the categories below.
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Criminal InvestigationUncovering Hidden TruthsSurprise Twist EndingWitness TestimoniesHeist Gone WrongMedia InvolvementRed HerringsMoral DilemmasUnreliable Narrators

Cinematic Style

Directed by: David Victori, Víctor Cuadrado
Written by: Jordi Vallejo, David Victori
Produced by: Anne Thomopoulos, David Victori, Jordi Vallejo
Composed by: Adrián Foulkes
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