Themes:JusticeMoral AmbiguityCorruptionBetrayalRevengeDiscover Similar ThemesMood:IntenseGrittySuspensefulViolentDarkUnsettlingDiscover Similar Mood
Lexie Noble lives a great life on the outskirts of Edinburgh… until her husband is murdered. As she struggles to make sense of what happened, she learns he had been laundering money for notorious crime boss Cal Morris. As a partner in her late husband's accountancy firm, both Morris and the police will be interested in controlling her next moves.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
One Last JobCriminal UnderworldDouble-CrossVigilante JusticeHeist PlanningUncovering A ConspiracyRevenge Plot

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Andrew Cumming, Jennie Darnell
Written by: Debbie O'Malley
Produced by: Debbie O'Malley, Eric Coulter, Madonna Baptiste
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