Ultraviolet (1998)
They look like us. They act like us.
Themes:Moral AmbiguitySurvivalTechnology Vs. HumanityMan Vs. NatureDiscover Similar ThemesMood:ForebodingBleakHopelessDarkOminousDiscover Similar Mood
With the growing threat of viral epidemic and the possibility of worldwide environmental catastrophe, humanity has an unprecedented ability to destroy itself, and vampires need to take control of their threatened food source. CIB, an elite government force, has been formed to combat the vampire threat. But when eternal life is offered, no one is beyond temptation...
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Search For A Safe HavenQuest For A CureEscape From CaptivitySacrifices For SurvivalBetrayalApocalypse SurvivalGovernment ConspiracyVampire Uprising

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Joe Ahearne
Composed by: Sue Hewitt
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