The Nanny (1993)
She's the lady in red when everybody else is wearing tan. The flashy girl from Flushing, the Nanny named Fran.
Themes:Coming Of AgeSelf-DiscoveryFriendshipFamily BondsLove Conquers AllDiscover Similar ThemesMood:CharmingHeartwarmingFunnyWarmLight-HeartedDiscover Similar Mood
Fran, fresh out of her job as a bridal consultant in her boyfriend’s shop, first appears on the doorstep of Broadway producer Maxwell Sheffield peddling cosmetics, and quickly stumbled upon the opportunity to become The Nanny for his three children. But soon Fran, with her offbeat nurturing and no-nonsense honesty, touches Maxwell as well as the kids.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Overcoming Class DifferencesPersonal TransformationUnconventional Family DynamicsChildren Influencing AdultsNanny And Employer RelationshipFinding One's PlaceUnlikely RomanceUnexpected Career Change

Character Types

Cinematic Style

Costume and Set

Directed by: Dorothy Lyman, Lee Shallat Chemel, Peter Marc Jacobson
Written by: Prudence Fraser, Robert Sternin, Fran Drescher
Produced by: Fran Drescher, Peter Marc Jacobson
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