In this world power isn't everything, it's the only thing.
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Spanning decades, a powerful Italian crime family battles internal strife when a ruthless grandson seeks control after a violent wedding sparks unintended chaos, testing loyalties as lines blur between family and criminal enterprise. Best selling author of Mario 'The Godfather' Puzo's blockbuster new novel comes to life in this epic saga of America's most powerful crime family.
Explore similar movies and shows to The Last Don (1997) based on the categories below.
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Criminal UnderworldPolitical ManeuveringFamily ConflictMob WarsLoyalty TestsRedemption ArcRise To PowerUncovering Secrets

Directed by: Graeme Clifford
Written by: Joyce Eliason
Produced by: James T. Davis, Larry Sanitsky, Joyce Eliason

Danny Aiello
Don Domenico Clericuzio

Joe Mantegna
Pippi De Lena

Rory Cochrane
Dante Clericuzio

Kirstie Alley
Rose Marie Clericuzio

David Marciano
Giorgio Clericuzio

David Gianopoulos
Petie Clericuzio

Danny Mastrogiorgio
Vincent Cleriuzio

Daryl Hannah
Athena Aquitane

Jason Gedrick
Cross De Lena

Seymour Cassel
Alfred Gronevelt
This title is currently not available on any streaming platform
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