Nightmare Next Door (2011)
80Episodes in9Seasons·

What secrets lurk behind fences?
Themes:The Human ConditionGood Vs. EvilIdentity CrisisBetrayalMan Vs. NatureJustice Vs. RevengeDiscover Similar ThemesMood:UnnervingShockingMacabreDramaticIntriguingMysteriousSuspensefulDarkDiscover Similar Mood
The tales of mysterious murders that rocked small-town America. Each hour brings you a new murder mystery and a new look into the evil that can lurk in the heart and soul of a tight-knit community. Interviews with investigators, prosecutors, family members and neighbors piece together the twisting tale of a classic whodunit.
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Serial Killer PursuitMarital StrugglesPsychological ManipulationLove TriangleForbidden LoveCourtroom DramaUncovering Hidden IdentitiesWhodunit Mystery

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Directed by: Brian Noreika, Martin Filfil, Randall Peck
Produced by: Valerie Haselton Drescher, Sucheta Sachdev, Rebecca Toth Diefenbach
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