Themes:MurderLife After DeathParanormal ActivityTragedySupernatural EncountersPsychic PhenomenaPsychological TraumaSuicideDiscover Similar ThemesMood:ScaryIntriguingMysteriousTenseDarkUnsettlingThought-ProvokingHauntingDiscover Similar Mood
These are the true stories of the innocent and the unimaginable. Based on true events, A Haunting dramatises some of the scariest stories, revealing a world in which tragedy, suicide and murder have left psychic impressions so powerful that innocent people become forced to deal with them decades later. Through mesmerizing first-person accounts, the mystery and origin of each haunting is powerfully revealed and leaves a lingering sense that life—and death—are much stronger then anyone could have possibly imagined.
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First-Person AccountsTragedy ExplorationParanormal InvestigationsMurder MysteriesUncovering Hidden PastsPsychic ImpressionsSupernatural Phenomena

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