Carlos (2010)
Themes:The Rise And FallPursuit Of PowerMoral AmbiguityTerrorismDiscover Similar ThemesMood:IntenseGrittySuspensefulDarkThought-ProvokingDiscover Similar Mood
The story of the Venezuelan Ilich Ramirez Sanchez known as "Carlos", who was, for almost twenty years, one of the most wanted terrorists in the world.
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Terrorist ActivitiesPower StrugglesInternational ManhuntIdeological ConflictsMedia AttentionUndercover OperationsPersonal RelationshipsRise To InfamyBetrayalPolitical Intrigue

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Directed by: Olivier Assayas

Edgar Ramírez
Ilich Ramírez Sánchez („Carlos“)

Alexander Scheer
Johannes Weinrich

Nora Waldstätten
Magdalena Kopp

Alejandro Arroyo
Dr. Valentín Hernández

Ahmad Kaabour
Wadi Haddad

Talal Jurdi
Kamal al-Issawi („Ali“)

Juana Acosta
Lydia, Carlos' Freundin

Christoph Bach
Hans-Joachim Klein („Angie“)

Rodney El Haddad
Anis Naccache („Khalid“)

Julia Hummer
Gabriele Kröcher-Tiedemann („Nada“)
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