Under the Dome (2013)
Themes:Fate Vs. Free WillMoral AmbiguitySurvivalQuest For TruthCorruption Of PowerIsolationTechnology Vs. HumanityMan Vs. NatureSocial RevolutionDiscover Similar ThemesMood:ForebodingBleakAnxiousHopefulTenseDiscover Similar Mood
A small town is suddenly and inexplicably sealed off from the rest of the world by an enormous transparent dome. While military forces, the government and the media positioned outside of this surrounding barrier attempt to break it down, a small group of people inside attempt to figure out what the dome is, where it came from, and when (and if) it will go away.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Power StrugglesUnseen Forces At PlaySocial UpheavalUnraveling ConspiracyMoral DilemmasRedemption ArcStranded In Harsh EnvironmentSudden DisasterMystery Of The Dome's OriginSurvival Under Extreme Conditions

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Cort Fey, Walt Lloyd, Jack Bender
Written by: Stephen King, Adam Stein, Peter Calloway
Produced by: Steven Spielberg, Soo Hugh
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