The Beast (1996)
They said it was safe to go back in the water. They were wrong.
Themes:Man Vs. NatureFear Of The UnknownIsolationDiscover Similar ThemesMood:MysteriousTenseDarkOminousChillingDiscover Similar Mood
Mysterious deaths and unexplained disappearances begin to occur in the small seaport village of Graves Point. When a large, strange claw is discovered on an empty raft washing up on the shore, marine biologist Dr. Herbert Talley identifies it as belonging to a rare giant squid.
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Discovery Of New SpeciesMonster AttacksScientific InvestigationSmall Town SecretsSurvival In Hostile EnvironmentMoral Dilemmas

Directed by: Geoff Burton, Jeff Bleckner, Colin Fletcher
Composed by: Don Davis
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