Rebel without a cure.
Themes:Living With A SecretUnconventional PartnershipsLoss Of HumanityPersonal SacrificesDiscover Similar ThemesMood:PlayfulEntertainingQuirkyFunnyLight-HeartedDiscover Similar Mood
A medical student who becomes a zombie joins a Coroner's Office in order to gain access to the brains she must reluctantly eat so that she can maintain her humanity. But every brain she eats, she also inherits their memories and must now solve their deaths with help from the Medical examiner and a police detective.
Explore similar movies and shows to iZombie (2015) based on the categories below.
PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Crime Solving Through Brain EatingZombie ExistenceMaintaining HumanityBrain-Induced VisionsUndercover OperationCriminal InvestigationsPartnership DynamicsPolice Procedural

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Michael Fields, Jason Bloom, Dan Etheridge
Written by: Rob Thomas, Diane Ruggiero, Kit Boss
Produced by: Diane Ruggiero, Dan Etheridge, Rob Thomas
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