Street Outlaws (2013)
Themes:Quest For GloryPersonal RivalryStreet Racing CultureDiscover Similar ThemesMood:High-StakesIntenseAdrenaline-FueledCompetitiveEnergeticDiscover Similar Mood
From a 1969 Chevy Nova to a race-ready farm truck, the vehicles - and their drivers - come in all shapes and sizes and have one thing in common: the need for speed. But according to the STREET OUTLAWS of Oklahoma City - home to one of the largest undercover street racing rings in America – if you’re not on “the list,” you don’t matter. The “list” contains the 10 fastest street-racing cars in Oklahoma City and they are the best of the best. Not only will these guys will do anything -ANYTHING- to get ranked on this list, they’ll do whatever it takes to STAY ranked. Street racing comes first - before family, before friends and before work. The stakes are high and these drivers will put everything on the line to get to top, where there can only be one #1.
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Underground Racing CompetitionsStreet Racing RivalriesCar ModificationsHigh-Speed RacesRace ChallengesPursuit Of DominanceIllegal Street Racing

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