Let justice be done, though the heavens fall
Themes:Love And SacrificeWar And ConflictFate And DestinyPower Of HopeThe Human ConditionMan Vs. MachineDiscover Similar ThemesMood:TragicForebodingIntenseAnxiousDramaticSinisterMelancholicTenseDarkOminousUnnervingChillingHauntingDiscover Similar Mood
In 1972, the Apollo 17 mission discovered a hypergate to Mars on the surface of the moon. Soon a war breaks out between Earth and Mars, and Martian soldiers begin to descend from the sky, riding steel giants, intent on exterminating humanity.
Explore similar movies and shows to Aldnoah.Zero (2014) based on the categories below.
PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Interplanetary WarCross-Cultural ConflictLove In Times Of WarAlien InvasionTechnological AdvancementWar CrimesMars ExplorationPursuit Of PeaceBattle For EarthPolitical Intrigue

Cinematic Style

Score and Sound

Costume and Set

Key Props

Directed by: Masako Matsumoto, Ei Aoki, Tomoyoshi Kato
Written by: Katsuhiko Takayama, Gen Urobuchi, Shinsuke Onishi
Produced by: Tomoyuki Ohwada
Composed by: Hiroyuki Sawano

Natsuki Hanae
Inaho Kaizuka (voice)

Kensho Ono
Slaine Troyard (voice)

Sora Amamiya
Asseylum Vers Allusia (voice)

Mikako Komatsu
Inko Amifumi (voice)

Sayaka Ohara
Yuki Kaizuka (voice)

Sachika Misawa
Rayet Areash (voice)

Kazuya Nakai
Koichiro Marito (voice)

Ai Kayano
Darzana Magbaredge (voice)

Toru Okawa
Saazbaum (voice)

Show Hayami
Cruhteo (voice)
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