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The adventures of Miss Jane Marple, an elderly spinster living in the quiet little village of St Mary Mead. During her many visits to friends and relatives in other villages, Miss Marple often stumbles upon mysterious murders which she helps solve. Although the police are sometimes reluctant to accept Miss Marple's help, her reputation and unparalleled powers of observation eventually win them over.
Explore similar movies and shows to Agatha Christie's Marple (2004) based on the categories below.
PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Unexpected TwistsUncovering CluesFriendly RivalryMurder InvestigationUnsuspecting SuspectSocial CommentaryVillage IntrigueAmateur SleuthQuirky CharactersMethodical Deduction

Directed by: Charlie Palmer, Tom Shankland, Andy Wilson
Written by: Tim Whitnall, Kevin Elyot, Charlie Higson
Produced by: Phil Clymer, Matthew Read, Damien Timmer
Composed by: Dominik Scherrer
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