When We Rise (2017)
Themes:Lgbtq+ RightsComing Of AgeOvercoming PrejudicePersonal GrowthIdentity CrisisFriendshipSocial RevolutionDiscover Similar ThemesMood:EmpoweringInspiringHopefulEmotionalThought-ProvokingDiscover Similar Mood
The personal and political struggles, setbacks and triumphs of a diverse family of LGBT men and women who helped pioneer one of the last legs of the U.S. Civil Rights movement from its turbulent infancy in the 20th century to the once unfathomable successes of today. The period piece tells the history of the gay rights movement, starting with the Stonewall Riots in 1969.
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Community BuildingSocial ActivismLove And SupportPolitical CampaignsComing OutSelf-Discovery JourneyHistorical EventsPersonal StrugglesDiscrimination Challenges

Directed by: Bobby Bukowski, Niklas Johansson, Gus Van Sant
Written by: Lisa Zwerling, Peter Parnell, Dianne Houston
Produced by: Bruce Cohen, Dustin Lance Black, Laurence Mark
Composed by: Danny Elfman, Chris Bacon
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