Life is hard. Death is easy.
Themes:Family DynamicsMorality Of Assisted SuicideBreaking Free From RestrictionsBalancing Dual IdentitiesDiscover Similar ThemesMood:IronicHumorousDarkUnconventionalThought-ProvokingGrimly ComedicDiscover Similar Mood
Dr. Mary Harris, a single mother and emergency doctor by day, also moonlights as an underground angel of death - helping terminally ill patients who want to die and slip away on their own terms. So far Mary has managed to stay under the radar; but business is booming, and her double life is getting complicated. When her world starts to unravel, Mary realizes she's going to have to fight dirty if she's going to stay in the killing game.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Family ComplicationsSecret Double LifeUnforeseen ConsequencesBreaking Moral BoundariesRising Tensions

Directed by: Gavin Smith, Stephen Reizes, Josh Gray
Written by: Tara Armstrong, Marsha Greene, Tassie Cameron
Produced by: Tecca Crosby, Holly Dale, Norman Denver
Composed by: John Rowley

Caroline Dhavernas
Dr. Mary Harris

Richard Short
Desmond "Des" Bennett

Katie Douglas
Naomi Malik

Jay Ryan
Joel Collins / Detective Ben Wesley

August Winter
Jessica "Jess" Geller

Grace Lynn Kung
Annie Chung

Alexandra Castillo
Louise Malick

Lyriq Bent
Detective Frank Gaines

Rachelle Lefevre
Olivia Bloom

Greg Bryk
Grady Burgess
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