Ever Decreasing Circles (1984)
Themes:Aspiration And AmbitionSuburban LifeMidlife CrisisCompetitionDiscover Similar ThemesMood:HumorousHeartwarmingQuirkyWhimsicalLight-HeartedDiscover Similar Mood
Martin Bryce lives in a quiet suburban close with his wife Anne. He does his best to "organise" the leisure time of all of the other inhabitants of the close, running umpteen societies and doing "good works". He's is quite happy with his lot until Paul Ryman moves in next door.
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Ambition Vs. ContentmentObsession With PerfectionNeighbor RivalryWorkplace CompetitionBusiness RivalrySocial ClimbingUnrequited FeelingsSocial Status AnxietyNavigating Social Dynamics

Produced by: Sydney Lotterby, Harold Snoad