Joy of Life (2019)

82Episodes in3Seasons
DNA IconShow DNA
Costume and Set Design:Traditional Chinese Clothing
Cinematic Techniques:High Contrast
Character Archetypes:Keeper of Forbidden Knowledge
Narrative Structure:Unreliable Narrator
Dialog Style:Witty
Cinematic Techniques:Sweeping Shots
Key Objects/Props:Swords
Costume and Set Design:Ancient Chinese Architecture
Dialog Style:Sarcastic
Character Archetypes:Battle Butler
Visual Style:Vibrant Colors
Key Objects/Props:Poison
Narrative Structure:Non-Linear
Sub-Genres:Costume Drama
Score and Sound Design:Ominous Sound Effects
Cinematic Techniques:Quick Cuts
Score and Sound Design:Traditional Chinese Instruments
Character Archetypes:Action Girl
Visual Style:Wuxia Action
Key Objects/Props:Ancient Scrolls
Visual Style:Wire Fu
Character Archetypes:Double Agent

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GoodWatch ScoreScore:81
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Your score:Not Rated
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Zhang Qing, a present-day college student in culture and history major wants to study in professor Ye's postgraduate class, so he decides to write a historical fiction to elaborate his perspective of analyzing ancient literature history with modern concept. In the fiction, Zhang himself acts as a young man Fan Xian with mysterious life who lives in a remote seaside town of Kingdom Qing in his childhood, under the help of a mysterious mentor and a blindfolded watchman. Fan goes to the capital when he grows up, where he experiences plenty of ordeal and temper. Fan persists in adhering the rule of justice and goodness and lives his own glorious life.
Directed by: Sun Hao
Written by: Wang Juan