You can't bury the past.
Themes:Class StruggleThe Human ConditionMoral AmbiguityCorruption Of PowerJustice Vs. RevengeSocial RevolutionDiscover Similar ThemesMood:BleakUncomfortableGrittyCynicalThought-ProvokingDiscover Similar Mood
In a small Michigan town where the business of incarceration is the only thriving industry, the McClusky family are the power brokers between the police, criminals, inmates, prison guards and politicians in a city completely dependent on prisons and the prisoners they contain.
Explore similar movies and shows to Mayor of Kingstown (2021) based on the categories below.
PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Prison Town DynamicsPower StrugglesCriminal UnderworldSocial InequalityPolice CorruptionMoral DilemmasPrison BreakRedemption ArcPolitical IntrigueMedia Manipulation

Directed by: Stuart Campbell, Anthony Ianni, Alyssa Batchelor
Written by: Christian Donovan, Taylor Sheridan, James Arcega Tinsley
Produced by: Alison Semenza, David Glasser, Ron Burkle
Composed by: Andrew Lockington
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