Who lit the fuse that tore Harold's world apart?
Themes:The Cost Of AmbitionBetrayalMoralitySurvival In A Criminal WorldGang WarfareDiscover Similar ThemesMood:GrittyViolentTenseDarkBleakDiscover Similar Mood
In the late 1970s, Cockney crime boss Harold Shand, a gangster trying to become a legitimate property mogul, has big plans to get the American Mafia to bankroll his transformation of a derelict area of London into the possible venue for a future Olympic Games. However, a series of bombings targets his empire on the very weekend the Americans are in town. Shand is convinced there is a traitor in his organization, and sets out to eliminate the rat in typically ruthless fashion.
Explore similar movies and shows to The Long Good Friday (1980) based on the categories below.
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Internal BetrayalDrug SmugglingViolent ConfrontationsGang WarsFamily BusinessMoral CompromiseProtection RacketsPolitical IntrigueBusiness EmpirePower StrugglePolice InvestigationCriminal Underworld

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Directed by: John Mackenzie, Phil Meheux, Simon Hinkly
Written by: Barrie Keeffe
Produced by: Barry Hanson, Chris Griffin
Composed by: Francis Monkman
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