Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002)
Some things are better left top secret.
Themes:The Cost Of AmbitionIdentity CrisisBetrayalUnreliable NarrationThe Human ConditionDiscover Similar ThemesMood:DarkAbsurdThought-ProvokingHumorousIntriguingDiscover Similar Mood
Television made him famous, but his biggest hits happened off screen. Television producer by day, CIA assassin by night, Chuck Barris was recruited by the CIA at the height of his TV career and trained to become a covert operative. Or so Barris said.
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Unexpected TwistsDouble LifeUnreliable NarratorAssassination PlotComing-Of-Age StorySelf-Discovery JourneyMisdirectionSpy Thriller ElementsUnconventional BiopicLove And Espionage

Cinematic Style

Directed by: George Clooney, Newton Thomas Sigel, David Webb
Produced by: Andrew Lazar, Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein
Composed by: Alex Wurman
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