Romeo and Juliet Get Married (2005)
1h 30min
Themes:Family BondsLove Conquers AllComing Of AgeOvercoming PrejudiceDiscover Similar ThemesMood:RomanticLight-HeartedPlayfulFunFrustratingDiscover Similar Mood
The tomboyish, outgoing Julieta is the daughter of a member of the Palmeiras soccer club board. She is constantly frustrated by what she sees as institutional bias against women in soccer. One day while watching her beloved Palmeiras, she is struck by a handsome man, Romeu, that she sees rooting for the Palmeiras' chief rivals, the Corinthians. After meeting the same man again in the middle of eye exam, Julieta and Romeu quickly become a couple. However, in order to avoid incurring the wrath of her parents, Romeu is forced to pretend to be an adoring Palmeiras fan, an increasingly difficult task for the die-hard Corinthiano.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Unrequited LoveOvercoming Personal DemonsIdentity CrisisMarital StrugglesForbidden Love

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Bruno Barreto, Adriano Goldman, Anne Pinheiro Guimarães
Written by: Marcos Caruso, Mário Prata, Jandira Martini
Produced by: Vivian Golombek, Roberto Farias, Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues
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