Hetalia (2009)
Themes:Moral AmbiguityGood Vs. EvilFriendshipTechnology Vs. HumanityMan Vs. NatureDiscover Similar ThemesMood:IronicSatiricalAnxiousFunWhimsicalDiscover Similar Mood
In a time filled with wars, environmental concerns and issues, there lives a gaggle of beautiful boys that are the personification of the world's countries. Japan, England, France, Finland, Germany and the rest of the boys attend the World Conference and tackle issues like global warming with a heavy dose of fun. Through multiple world wars the gang will traverse deserts, build mecha U-boats and solve the world's problems together!
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Environmental ConcernsParody Of GenresGlobal CooperationWorld War ScenariosBuilding MechasLighthearted Approach To Serious Issues

Costume and Set

Directed by: Mariko Oka, Bob Shirohata
Produced by: Mitsuhiro Nanbara
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