Themes:Artificial IntelligenceSocial StratificationIdentity CrisisMan Vs. MachineEthical DilemmasDiscover Similar ThemesMood:BleakDarkOminousUnsettlingThought-ProvokingDiscover Similar Mood
Set in a parallel universe, Real Humans imagines a world where robots have become so human that they're barely distinguishable from real humans and follows the resulting emotional effects on two families as well as the trials of a group of robots who have attained free will and want their freedom from human ownership.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Android RebellionAndroid Integration Into SocietyQuestioning Free WillTechnological ControlHuman-Robot RelationshipsMoral DilemmasPersonal Identity CrisisUnreliable NarratorUncovering Secrets

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Harald Hamrell, Levan Akin, Kristina Humle
Written by: Lars Lundström, Alex Haridi
Produced by: Henrik Widman, Stefan Baron
Composed by: Rikard Borggård
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