Themes:RedemptionFriendshipCrime And PunishmentDiscover Similar ThemesMood:DramaticGrittyEdgyTenseUnsettlingDiscover Similar Mood
Working for the FBI's Deep Cover Operations division, Martin Odum can transform himself into a different person -- whether it's an assignment as a Serbian extremist, a corrupt Chicago police officer, a British special forces colonel, or a legendary computer hacker. But when he learns that his life, itself, may be a lie, he faces the demands of his job and a desire to solve the mystery of his identity. And given the choice between the two, Odum doesn't always make the right decision.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Undercover OperationLaw Enforcement CorruptionRedemption ArcHeist PlanningPersonal VendettasRevengeCriminal Alliances

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Brad Turner, Jeff T. Thomas, Jamie Payne
Written by: Josh Pate, David Wilcox, Cyrus Voris
Produced by: Howard Gordon, Jonathan Levin, Alexander Cary
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