Humans (2015)
Made in our image. Out of our control.
Themes:The Human ConditionIdentity CrisisTechnology Vs. HumanityMan Vs. MachineDiscover Similar ThemesMood:BleakTenseDarkFuturisticThought-ProvokingDiscover Similar Mood
In a parallel present where the latest must-have gadget for any busy family is a 'Synth' - a highly-developed robotic servant that's so similar to a real human it's transforming the way we live.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Ethical DilemmasEmotional BondsLife With Artificial IntelligenceExploration Of AiHuman-Synth RelationshipsMoral AmbiguityRobot ServantsTechnological AdvancementsSynthetic HumanityHuman-Robot Interactions

Directed by: Alex Berwick, Ruairí O'Brien, Kieran McGuigan
Written by: Lars Lundström, Sam Vincent, Jonathan Brackley
Produced by: Lars Lundström, Henrik Widman, Derek Wax
Composed by: Cristóbal Tapia de Veer, Sarah Warne
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