Hidden Truths (2015)
In life, everything comes at a price.
Themes:ObsessionThe Dark Side Of WealthMoral AmbiguityPower DynamicsDiscover Similar ThemesMood:TenseDarkUnsettlingIntriguingProvocativeDiscover Similar Mood
A teenager who dreams with a career as a top model becomes part of a prostitution scheme and meets a powerful and obsessive businessman. As a last resort, he marries the girl's mother just to be near her. This series explores the limits of obsession, wealth and pleasure, using the fashion world as backdrop.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Prostitution RingObsession And ControlWealth And PleasureManipulative RelationshipsForbidden RomanceMarriage Of Convenience

Directed by: Allan Fiterman, Mariana Richard, Mauro Mendonça Filho
Written by: Walcyr Carrasco, Maria Elisa Berredo, Bruno Lima Penido
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