The Nevers (2021)
A touch of power can change the world.
Themes:Love Conquers AllFreedom Vs. ControlFate Vs. Free WillComing Of AgeOvercoming PrejudiceRedemptionCorruption Of PowerIdentity CrisisBetrayalFriendshipFamily BondsPursuit Of HappinessTechnology Vs. HumanitySacrificeMan Vs. NatureJustice Vs. RevengeDiscover Similar ThemesMood:EmpoweringCriticalMajesticHumorousTriumphantInspiringConfidentAnxiousSentimentalBittersweetIntriguingHopefulPlayfulCynicalRelatableConspiratorialConfusingUnconventionalLight-HeartedMacabreWittyDiscover Similar Mood
In the last years of Victoria's reign, London is beset by the "Touched": people — mostly women — who suddenly manifest abnormal abilities, some charming, some very disturbing. Among them are Amalia True, a mysterious, quick-fisted widow, and Penance Adair, a brilliant young inventor. They are the champions of this new underclass, making a home for the Touched, while fighting the forces of… well, pretty much all the forces — to make room for those whom history as we know it has no place.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Time ManipulationSocial InequalityFemale EmpowermentSuperpowers DiscoveryAmnesia MysteryPersonal GrowthBattle Against Dark ForcesSecret SocietiesOvercoming Societal NormsUnlocking Hidden PowersSelf-Discovery JourneyPolitical IntrigueClass StruggleMedia Manipulation

Cultural Impact

Character Types


Funny Background EventFourth Wall BreaksEmbarrassment HumorWitFish Out Of WaterVerbal IronySarcasmDry HumorSnarky RemarksSlapstickSatireCharacter-Based HumorPhysical ComedyRunning GagsSpoofMisunderstandingsSurreal HumorCringe ComedyParodyPranksMockumentary StyleProp ComedyIronyBlack ComedyCultural SatireBanterAbsurd HumorSelf-Deprecating HumorFarceWordplayDeadpan HumorOffbeat Humor


Cinematic Style

Score and Sound

Costume and Set

Key Props

Directed by: Rachel Aulton, Adam Faux, Kira Kemble
Written by: Jane Espenson, Madhuri Shekar, Joss Whedon
Produced by: Ilene S. Landress, Joss Whedon, Jane Espenson
Composed by: Mark Isham
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