Themes:Coming Of AgeRedemptionBetrayalFriendshipDiscover Similar ThemesMood:AdventurousExcitingFunEntertainingLight-HeartedDiscover Similar Mood
The Maverick boys - Bret, Bart, Beau and Brent - are a clan of well-dressed dandies, gamblers who'd much rather make their money playing cards than messing up their fine clothing with actual work. Sly and clever, none of the Mavericks are much for acts of derring do, but they can be courageous when the situation calls for it. Most often, however, they live by their wits and considerable charm.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Journey Through Dangerous TerrainEscaping A TrapTreasure HuntRedemption ArcUncovering Hidden Identities

Directed by: Leslie H. Martinson, Douglas Heyes, Richard L. Bare
Written by: Douglas Heyes, Marion Hargrove, Gene Levitt
Produced by: Roy Huggins, Coles Trapnell, William T. Orr
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