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Themes:Moral AmbiguityQuest For TruthThe Cost Of AmbitionMedia ManipulationDiscover Similar ThemesMood:ConfidentBittersweetCynicalThought-ProvokingSatiricalDiscover Similar Mood
A behind-the-scenes look at the people who make a nightly cable-news program. Focusing on a network anchor, his new executive producer, the newsroom staff and their boss, the series tracks their quixotic mission to do the news well in the face of corporate and commercial obstacles-not to mention their own personal entanglements.
Explore similar movies and shows to The Newsroom (2012) based on the categories below.
PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Character DevelopmentCorporate GreedPersonal RelationshipsMoral DilemmasWorkplace DynamicsPolitical IntriguePersonal StrugglesMedia CriticismInvestigative Journalism

Cinematic Style

Directed by: Todd McMullen, Alan Poul, Greg Mottola
Written by: Aaron Sorkin, Alena Smith, John Musero
Produced by: Christine Larson-Nitzsche, Alan Poul, Scott Rudin
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