Themes:Coming Of AgeSurvivalCorruption Of PowerBetrayalFamily BondsDiscover Similar ThemesMood:AnxiousGrittyTenseDarkUnsettlingDiscover Similar Mood
Sonja lives a rather carefree life with her beloved family. The husband Frederick's marijuana business providing family finances a silver lining. But life is shattered and Sonja forced to play a dangerous game with both organized crime and police to protect their children. She can no longer be sure which ones are her friends and who she can trust.
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PlotClick below to reveal spoilers
Innocent Bystander In PerilUndercover OperationPolice CorruptionMoral DilemmasWitness ProtectionFamily In DangerDouble LifeUncovering Hidden AgendasOrganized CrimeTrust Issues

Directed by: Daniel Chilla, Richard Holm, Adam Hilario
Written by: Camilla Ahlgren, Martin Asphaug
Produced by: Jon Petersson, Michael Porseryd, Alexandra Rapaport
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