Putting realness back into reality.
Themes:Self-DiscoveryOvercoming ChallengesGender ExpressionDiscover Similar ThemesMood:HumorousCompetitiveInspirationalPlayfulEntertainingDiscover Similar Mood
Join RuPaul, the world's most famous drag queen, as the host, mentor and judge for the ultimate in drag queen competitions. The top drag queens in the U.S. will vie for drag stardom as RuPaul, in full glamazon drag, will reign supreme in all judging and eliminations while helping guide the contestants as they prepare for each challenge.
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Self-MakeoverConfidence BuildingElimination RoundsDrag PerformancesTalent CompetitionCreative Challenges

Cultural Impact

Directed by: Nick Murray, Michael Jacob Kerber, Sarah Pietras
Produced by: Sara Kordy, West Buchanan, Tori Himes
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